The ADHD Money Guide

Take charge of your finances

with adhd-smart strategies

Let’s talk about adhd and money.

Financial success for individuals with ADHD isn’t just about willpower or the right budgeting app. It’s about creating an internal environment – in your brain and body – that naturally leads to better financial decisions and behaviors.

By optimizing your brain health and metabolic function, you’re not fighting against your ADHD; you’re setting yourself up for financial success from the inside out.

Many ADHD management strategies focus on external systems or behavioral changes without addressing underlying biological factors. Our approach recognizes that ADHD symptoms—and their impact on financial behavior—are deeply influenced by brain health and metabolism.

Instead of just managing ADHD symptoms, we’re addressing the underlying brain health and metabolic factors that can exacerbate financial challenges.

Learn more about

the connection between financial choices and brain health

We’re not just putting a band-aid on the symptoms; we’re improving the overall health of the ADHD brain and body, which naturally leads to better cognitive function and financial decision-making.

so many of our money struggles are due to the ADHD brain we were born with.

not all of it. But a lot of it. and it’s our job to work with what we’ve got.

While many ADHD resources focus on compensating for deficits, we’re talking about optimizing brain function to enhance natural abilities.

Traditional ADHD resources often focus on workarounds and coping mechanisms. For example, they might suggest using reminders, breaking tasks into smaller steps, or using specific planners to compensate for executive function challenges.

All the workarounds in the world won’t actually work, though, unless you address the root cause of the issue: ADHD is a neurological condition, and needs brain-based solutions to help mitigate the symptoms of that condition.

There’s a reason you impulse buy. There’s a reason you have trouble saving. There’s a reason budgets seem impossible.

Those reasons are directly tied to the way your ADHD brain is built. These are reasons beyond your control.

What is in your control is working with your brain to make choices that lead to intentional spending, debt reduction, and a savings account that helps you sleep easy.

Choices that you can finally be proud of.

Our approach is about enhancement and optimization.

We’ll still talk about those workarounds, of course – all those practical tips, tools, and strategies that can help an ADHDer manage their money better. But you can count on us to take it one step further and advocate for long-lasting, sustainable, systemic change on a cellular level.

Here we‘re not just working around your brain’s challenges- we’re improving how your brain functions.

Some nice images

of more money in our lives









